Accommodation 住宿

There are two options for accommodation in Riyue Bay. One can stay at the 21st Century Hotel, a three star hotel that is a 200m walk down the road from our surf club and the beach. We can get customers a rate of 180 a night there. Please book through us at the surf club before going to the hotel. Prices subject to change in high tourism seasons, so please make a reservation with us in advance!

The other option, for budget travellers, is to get a bed in our dorm rooms on the second floor of the surf club for 50 CNY a night. The beds are quite comfortable, although the bathroom is downstairs and the shower is outside.

Pictures of the 21st Century Hotel rooms, and our surf club dorm rooms below.



Pictures of the 21st Century Hotel rooms

Riyue Bay Surf Club Dorm Beds